International Carriage and Van Union The street was dotted with cars, bicycles and motorcycles. 国际铁路客车和行车邮政车联盟街道上尽是汽车、行车和摩托车。
Contract of International Carriage of Goods by Rail 国际铁路货物运输合同
European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Inland Navigation 欧洲国际内河运输危险货物协定
These Conditions of Carriage apply to International Carriage provided by us unless they are inconsistent with our Tariffs or applicable laws in which event such Tariffs or laws shall prevail. 本条件适用于我们提供的国际运输,如本条件与我们的运价规则或者适用的法律相抵触,则该运价规则或者法律优先适用。
Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules Relating to International Carriage by Air 统一国际航空运输若干规则的公约
Is international carriage bill what kind of? 国际运输发票是怎样的?
Preservation and development of carrier's liability system under international carriage of goods by sea& an introduction and assessment of the carrier's liability system under the Rotterdam Rules 国际海运业承运人责任体制的传承与发展&《鹿特丹规则》承运人责任规定介评
Study on Legal Problems Concerning the Transfer of Bills of Lading in International Carriage of Goods by Sea 国际海上货物运输中提单转让法律问题研究
Modernization of the Rules and Liability for International Carriage by Air 国际航空运输规则和责任制度的现代化
A Study on Title to Sue under the Contract of International Carriage of Goods by Sea 国际海上货物运输合同项下诉权问题研究
And the time of transfer of goods and the risk is defined in the international carriage of goods by sea and a very important issue. 因而货物风险的转移及其时间界定是国际海运货物买卖中一个十分重要的问题。
This article studies the new developing tendency of legal systems of international carriage of passenger by sea through analyzing the following four aspects: liability basis, package limitation, testimony liability and obligatory insurance. 本文拟从责任基础、赔偿责任限额、举证责任、强制保险四个方面入手,探讨国际海上旅客运输法律制度发展的新趋势。
Explanations on Relevant Issues of the Convention on Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Air 《统一国际航空运输某些规则的公约》相关问题的说明
The type of loss covered by the unit limitation of liability of carrier in the international carriage of goods by sea& Comments on the draft of UNCITRAL Transport Law 论海运承运人单位赔偿责任限制所涵盖的损失类型&兼对UNCITRAL《运输法》(草案)的评论
Consignee has special legal status in international carriage of goods by sea. 在海上货物运输合同中,收货人具有特殊的法律地位。
In the international carriage of goods by sea, the unit limitation of liability is an important issue among the liability system of carrier. 在国际海上货物运输中,单位赔偿责任限制是承运人赔偿责任的一项重要内容。
In international carriage of goods by sea, conflicts exist between Right of Stoppage in Transitu and Bill of Lading transportation. 在以海运为主要表现形式的国际贸易运输中,中途停运权与提单运输存在着法律冲突。
In the international carriage of goods by sea and the commitments and obligations of the seller and the buyer is not fully completed simultaneously, the situation is very complex. 在国际海运货物买卖中买卖双方义务的承担及完成不是完全同步的,情况十分复杂。
The Position and Liability of the International Freight Forwarder in the International Carriage of Goods by Sea 国际货运代理人在国际货物运输中的地位和责任
Even if Draft of Unification of Law on International Carriage of Goods by Sea draft by CMI offers different standards for its members. 即使CMI拟定的《国际海上货物运输统一法草案》,也对迟延交付问题提供了不同的标准,以供各国选择。
Tally for the international carriage of goods by delivery process is an indispensable part, guarded by a final clearance of imported goods, the export goods first off, to third parties for goods delivery quantity and quality produce legal proof. 理货作为国际海上货物运输交接过程中不可缺少的环节,把守着进口货物最后一关,出口货物第一关,以第三方的身份为进出口货物交接的数量和质量出具具有法律效力的证明。
With the rapid development of international trade and modern logistics, The Non-Vessel-Operating services business have become imperative to international carriage of goods by sea, as is specialized more and more. 随着国际贸易和现代物流的不断发展,国际海上货物运输专业化分工的不断细化,无船承运业务已经成为国际海上货物运输不可或缺的重要组成部分。
There are a variety of complex claims and liabilities in the performance of the contract of international carriage of goods by sea and the container transport business activities are more complex. 在国际海上货物运输合同的履行过程中,会产生多种复杂的债权债务关系,集装箱运输的商务活动更为复杂。
Because international carriage of goods by sea may face higher risk than land transport of goods and air cargo tariff, as a result, the possibility of damages to cargo in international carriage of goods by sea becomes higher than the other two modes of transportation. 因为国际海上货物运输所面临的风险远高于陆上货物运输和航空货运运输,故出现货损的比率亦高于其他两类运输方式。
In the admiralty judicial practice, disputes arising from the fact that no one asserts his rights to the carrier for the delivery of the goods have been one of the ever-increasing cases in the international carriage of goods by sea in recent years. 在海事审判实践中,因无人向承运人主张权利要求提货而引起的纠纷,是当前不断增长的国际海上货物运输案件中的一类。
United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea as the Rotterdam Rules was adopted by the UN General Assembly on 11 December 2008. It is the new milestone in the field of international law of carriage of goods by see. 《联合国全部或部分海上国际货物运输合同公约》即《鹿特丹规则》已于2008年12月11日在联合国大会通过,她是国际海上货物运输法领域新的里程碑。
The thesis is based on a class of participants in United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea ( hereinafter referred to as the "Rotterdam Rules") for study. 论文是以《联合国全程或部分海上国际货物运输合同公约》(以下简称《鹿特丹规则》)中的一类参与方,即海运履约方为研究对象的。
Transfer of rights is the new rule that was added to the Rotterdam Rules, which was not included in the prior three existing effective international conventions related with international carriage of goods by sea. 权利转让制度是《鹿特丹规则》较其之前的三个国际海上货物运输领域已经生效的国际公约新增加的一项法律制度。
Since ancient times, due to the special risks in the navigation industry, the ocean carrier liability system has always been the foundation and core of the legal system of the international carriage of goods by sea. 自古以来,由于航海事业的特殊风险,承运人责任一直都作为国际海上货物运输法律制度的核心制度而存在。
In consideration of the practice oriented nature of the Maritime law, the author conducted the analysis and discussion of the classical cases concerning the transfer of rights in the international carriage of goods by sea. 海商法是一门实践性较强的学科,因而笔者对国际海上货物运输中涉及权利转让问题的典型案例进行了分析和总结。